Thursday, March 12, 2009

Day 1 Austin-->Dakar-->Johannesburg “30 friends + free alcohol + 16 hours to kill = 25,000 feet of fun”

We made it with the help of trivia, jokes, 4 meals, and sleeping pills. Good stuff.

First freak out happened when I realized that I didn't order extra pages in my passport to get into Botswana. That was fun. Luckily, our travel agent made some calls and calmed my nerves.'d think traveling throughout 5 continents would have taught me a thing or two. Not so much.

Our first night in Jo Berg was quite entertaining. We hit up Nelson Mandela Square for some delicious dinner and drinks. Closely followed by drinks in our room, laughter, and dancing at the local club. We met some other MBAs from Columbia Business School and shared some drinks and sweet dance moves. Good time had by all.

I heart my friends.

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