Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Day 6 Botswana  Cape town “Let’s go tour a random country club…Really??”

So, today we met with reps from University of Botswana and the Botswana Congress party. I was more intrigued by the Botswana Congress party and their socialist beliefs. It was interesting to hear how government controls basically everything and that the people are totally supportive. It was really difficult to hear, but from what I got they are in full support of the socialist concepts.
After we left the meeting, it was an extremely long day of travel to Cape Town. One thing that I found entertaining was on the plane, after they closed the doors, the stewardesses came through and sprayed some spray ALL over the place. It was so disgusting to breathe in the spray, but hilarious to watch all of my friends in disgust.
Once we got to Cape Town, we checked into our hotel. Tania and I literally jumped up and down in joy at how nice the hotel was compared to the Botswana hotel. It was like night and day…we were so happy.

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